![mohammed mohammed](https://www.rynet.com.my/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/mohammed.jpg)
Muhammad Shahriman
Muhammad Shahriman (GPEN) work as a Senior Security Consultant. His hacking knowledge and reputation is known when he won the Uitm International Hacking Competition continuously from 2006 until 2008.His exclusive jobs allow him to experiment with all kinds of hacking tools and techniques during the penetration testing. He has dedicated his life to test out the “security state” of most government agencies, law enforcers and numerous financial institutions inside and outside of Malaysia.If exploits for certain vulnerabilities are not available off the shelf, he just writes his exploits on his own. He also have passion for teaching and have taught Network Security inside and outside the country the furthest is (King Abdul Aziz University in Saudi).
He also has actively involved in numerous incident response handling cases particularly related to Digital Forensic issues. His capability to understand the structure of a program or a flow of a network aids him a lot in solving a lot of forensics studies issues. He runs his own blog (http://y0nd13.blogspot.com), https://chaah.awankloud.my where he posted up his tools and research such as “Hunnybunny a remote shellcode Launcher”, “Twit2bot a SMS twitter basedbotnet”, “Bypassing Antivirus using Stealth Meterpreter”.In his spare time, he likes to messed around with Fedora Linux and docodes in Python. He is also an expert in hacking WIMAX/4G Technology.