Node.js and Express Create a RESTful Web Services
In this Node & Express.js training course the certified trainer will start with the latest ES6 features and dive into nuts and bolts of the Node and Express framework. Node.js is a simple and powerful tool for backend development. Along with Express, we can build lightweight, fast, scalable APIs quickly and simply. Using REST, those API’s become simple and user-friendly to make your APIs more usable. Apart from development, we introduce the unit and integration testing using Mocha.
At the end of the course, the candidates will develop a fully functional REST API. Come and learn to build fast, scalable and secure RESTful services with Node, Express, and MongoDB.
- This Course is for Absolute Beginners.
- Knowledge with JavaScript will be an added advantage.
- Welcome
- Introduction to ES5 & ES6
- let and const
- Template Literals
- De-structuring Arrays and Objects
- For of Loop
- Spread & Rest Operators
- Arrow Functions
- Default Arguments
- Includes
- Classes
- Asnc & Await
- Promises & Proxies
- What is REST?
- Getting Data using Express & MongoDB
- Posting Data using Express & MongoDB
- Put & Patch Data using Express & MongoDB
- Testing using Mocha
- Adding Hypermedia to API
- Conclusion
Course Fee: (per PAX)
(Physical Classroom)
Course Fee: (per PAX)
(Virtual Classroom)
RM 3,000
RM 2,400
Buying for yourself?
Write to us in the form below, we will contact you to discuss how best to fit your schedule.
Buying for a Team?
Write to us in the form below, we would be happy to talk to you about a group DISCOUNT.
Course Features
- Lectures 0
- Quizzes 0
- Duration 3 Days
- Skill level Beginner
- Language English
- Students 0
- Assessments Self